Apr 18, 1998 ---------------------------------------------- SoundBite can now be used in applets running within a browser (Netscape Communicator 4.04 or later). Download soundbite_in_applets_1_0.zip. It contains the following files: README.TXT "Using SoundBite in Applets" com.scrawl.sound.jar explained in "README.TXT" index.html tests Main.class Main.class Main.java source for Main.class README.TXT is also included below. ---------------------------------------------- README.TXT Using SoundBite in Applets -------------------------- Introduction ------------ You will need to install a JDK1.1 (with JNI support) compatible browser, and add two files to the Netscape directory ("SoundBite.dll" to Java/Bin and "com.scrawl.sound.jar" to Java/Classes) in order to use SoundBite in an applet. This is all that you require if you plan on using signed applets (i.e. those signed with an "object signing" certificate that you have obtained from Verisign or another such Certificate Authority). If you plan on using unsigned applets (either situated locally on your hard disk or on a website), you will need to add a line to the "prefs.js" file in the Netscape directory. Adding this line reduces browser security a bit, so be careful with this option. Typically you would do this if you just want to test your applets and don't want to buy an "object signing" certificate. Installing a browser with JDK1.1 (including JNI) support -------------------------------------------------------- SoundBite can be used in applets running under Netscape Communicator 4.04 with the JDK1.1 final patch installed (SoundBite requires JNI support). Netscape Communicator 4.04 can be downloaded from: http://home.netscape.com/download/index.html Download the stand-alone Navigator or the full-featured version with additional components (netcaster etc.) - either will work. Download the Netscape JDK1.1 Final Patch for Communicator: http://developer.netscape.com/software/jdk/download.html This adds support for JDK1.1 features (including JNI). You can use SmartUpdate (once you have Communicator installed) or you can download this as a .zip file (the manual option). Once you have installed Communicator and rebooted, you can download the JDK1.1 patch by using the SmartUpdate option (which will download and install the necessary files), or you can use the manual option to download "404awt.zip". Instructions for manual installation of the "404awt.zip" file are available on the download page. Here is a summary: Close netscape communicator (if it is running) Restart the computer Copy the "404awt.zip" file to Netscape's Program/ directory and unzip it there (using unzip, WinZip etc.) copy 404awt.zip c:\progra~1\netscape\communicator\program c: cd c:\progra~1\netscape\communicator\program unzip 404awt.zip this will ask to replace some files .. say all (a) or yes (y) to all. You can now delete 404awt.zip if you want Restart the computer Your browser can now be used to run JDK1.1 applets. Installing files required to enable SoundBite support ----------------------------------------------------- To run SoundBite, you still need to install two more files into the Netscape directory on the local/client machine: SoundBite.dll com.scrawl.sound.jar (contains Audio.jar) These need to be installed regardless of whether your applets are signed or unsigned. Copy "SoundBite.dll" (shareware or registered version) to Netscape's Java/Bin: copy SoundBite.dll c:\progra~1\netscape\communicator\program\java\bin Copy "com.scrawl.sound.jar" (shareware or registered version) to Netscape's Java/Classes directory: copy com.scrawl.sound.jar c:\progra~1\netscape\communicator\program\java\classes If you will be using signed applets (see Netscape's website for more info on signing and security), you do not need to configure the browser any further. You will need an "object signing" certificate to sign your applets. When your applet runs, it will show a certificate for the entity which signed the applet and will indicate that the applet needs to use "native methods". The user needs to "Grant" this privilege before the applet can run further. If you are just testing your applets and don't want to spend the money on an "object signing" certificate, you can still use SoundBite, but you will need to configure the browser to allow such activity. Do this by adding the line: user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true); to the file "prefs.js" located in the directory: c:\progra~1\netscape\users\default Remember to exit Communicator (i.e. close all Communicator windows) before changing "prefs.js", since Communicator seems to read this file when it starts and writes to it on exiting - so if you make changes to "prefs.js" while Communicator is still running, they will be overwritten by the previous settings when Communicator writes to "prefs.js" on exiting. If you have configured Communicator for more than one user or if you have specified a different name during installation, you may need to use the appropriate directory (instead of "default" above). Be careful with this option, since it will reduce security for your browser. Your unsigned applets will show a slightly different dialog box - it will indicate to the user that the applet needs to use "native libraries" (as before) and that this is "high risk". Add the usual applet tags to your HTML files. Here are some examples: < applet code=Main.class WIDTH=... HEIGHT=... ... > or < applet code=Main.class archive=YourArchive.jar WIDTH=... HEIGHT=... ... > The HTML file and Main.class can reside on a website or on your local machine. You do not need to provide "Audio.jar" or "SoundBite.dll" (as you may have done while developing applications with SoundBite), since these have already been provided to the client (browser). If you have installed the shareware version of "SoundBite.dll", the shareware dialog box may appear behind the browser window or minimized. You can find its icon on the start menu bar. If you make changes to your applets during development, you may need to exit and restart Communicator in order for changes to be visible in the browser. Scrawl.Com http://www.scrawl.com Accesses: [TextCounter Fatal Error: Could Not Write to File /home3/stereoma/www/scrawl/cgi-bin/counter_data/_store_applets_html]